Our L-730 Laser Is Perfect for Aligning Tufting Machines

For many years now we’ve been using Hamar Laser’s L-730 Precision Leveling Laser System to align the advanced tufting machines we manufacture. These machines can be up to 15 meters long and are like huge sewing machines with 1000s of parts that need to be properly aligned. We use the L-730 to earth-level the castings after they’ve been machined and then ensure the internal components are parallel. We also use the L-730 in the field to level up our machines when they’re being installed in customers’ plants.

We like the L-730 because it’s accurate, easy to use and very robust. The system sets up very quickly and without needing a lot of adjustments. And from experience I can tell you that it can “take a lickin’ and keep on tickin.’” We’ve had some incidents over the years, and so we know the system is very resilient. I can most certainly recommend Hamar’s L-730. It’s rugged, compact and very simple to use, especially in applications like ours; it’s perfect for aligning tufting machines.

Peter Davis

Assembly Supervisor

Card-Monroe, Hixson, Tennessee